Subscriber Spotlight

** Submissions are now on hold. Thinking of a better way to try and promote other channels. Please don’t send your videos and stay tuned **

There is an explosion of Vloggers and people posting bike vids and I believe it will get harder and harder to get noticed.
As of Daily Observations 69, I decided to include one clip as a shoutout.


– You have to have less than 2000 subscribers.
– Maximum length: 2 Minutes.
– Got to be interesting. No cursing, shouting and being negative.
– No music/sound effects, even if it is royalty free.
– Send me your YouTube user name and a link to the original high quality file to download (preferably 1080p), on DropBox or Google Drive. Don’t send me a YouTube link to the clip as I will not use it to download from. Message me on here, FB or YT.
– Sending in the clip is no guarantee that it will be used. I will pick the ones to use based on a queue system and the quality of the content. How it fits with that particular Daily Observations will also be considered to move people up the Queue. If you channel has not been active in the last 3 months at the date of inclusion in an episode, your submission will be skipped.

The queue is currently at least 7 months long.

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